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My practice of law focuses on criminal defense and representing people accused of crimes. Every criminal case is unique and I will use my experience and legal knowledge to protect and fight for your constitutional rights.

 Scales of Justice


An arrest or criminal conviction can have a serious impact on a person's life. The criminal justice system is complex and can be overwhelming without the right legal representation. I am committed to keeping my clients informed about their case and advise them when making important legal decisions. I strive to ensure my clients receive fair and just treatment in court, which means taking every step necessary to protect the constitutional rights and freedoms of those I represent. 

If you have been arrested or fear you might be, I am ready to fight for you. No matter the complexity of your case, I can empower you to fight back, take control, and resolve your criminal case. I will use my legal knowledge and thorough preparation to give you the legal representation you deserve. Contact me today to schedule a confidential consultation.

Practice Areas: Practice Areas

Other Areas of Practice

Do you need to clean up your criminal record? I can assist you in getting old criminal cases dismissed (P.C. 1203.4) or old felonies reduced to misdemeanors (P.C. 17(b)). I can also assist in sealing arrest records to prevent employers from discovering old cases during criminal background checks (P.C. 851.91).

Are you currently on formal or informal probation? I can represent you if you are accused of a probation violation, need to terminate your probation early, modify the terms, or transfer your probation to another county.

Are you facing a driver's license suspension by DMV? In certain situations, the California DMV can suspend or revoke your driver's license. I have successfully fought against countless administrative actions by DMV and will work to get your license reinstated or prevent further suspension.

Is your child facing criminal charges in juvenile court? I have experience handling juvenile cases and can provide direction for youth and families to help minimize the risk of custodial detention.

Do you have questions about your firearm rights? I can fight to get your Second Amendment firearm rights restored or work with you to ensure firearm compliance with California's complex gun laws.

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